Allen Buntrock’s skeet shooting career has been quite lengthy, spanning over 31 years. His outstanding shooting achievements have earned him a spot in the NSSA’s Hall of Fame.
In 1960 Allen took the World 12 Gauge Preliminary Championship and followed with the 12 Gauge World Military Title scoring a perfect 250×250 in 1961. Other world titles followed: 1962 World AA HOA with 544×550; 1968 World 12 Gauge Champion; and 1969 World International Champion.
Allen’s All America record is one of quality distinction. He was selected to the All America Military Team in 1964, 1965, 1967 and 1971. He was captain in 1970 and 1971. In 1977 and in 1978 he was named to the International All America Team. In addition to the abovementioned titles, Allen achieved numerous other accomplishments such as the 20 gauge Pan American Championships in 1964, Armed Forces HOA in 19971 and 1973, California All Star State Team in 1972 and California International State Champion in 1976.
Allen is still active in skeet and is recognized for his outstanding accomplishments and long‑time dedication to the sport.