James Pierce

JPIERCEJames Pierce began skeet shooting in 1936, but was interrupted when he entered the service as Chief Gunnery Instructor in 1941 where he served until the war ended.  At this time he entered the plumbing contracting business with his father and continued shooting skeet until 1961.
In 1950 James held an average of 99.7 in the 12 Gauge and held the National High Average in the .410 Bore for two different years with a long run of 744.  James won Third in the 1953 National Championship in the 12 Gauge shooting a 249×250 and was runner up in the 12 Gauge Western Open.

During his 26 years of competitive shooting James won many California State Open gun championships along with numerous wins at most of the larger shoots in the West.  He was a member of the Men

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